Make and model: Scania R540 XT
Wheel formula: 8x4
First registration: 25-05-2020
VIN: YS2R8X40002172009
Mileage: 178.073 km
Construction: Kipper
Inside dimensions: 560X242X110
Wheelbase: 4.50 m
GVW: 38.000 kg
CVW: 66.000 kg
Empty weight: 16.175 kg
Loading capacity: 21.825 kg
Power: 427 KW / 580 HP
Cylinders: 6
Cylinder volume: 12.742 cm3
Emission standard: EURO 6
Gearbox: Oti cruise (with clutch pedal) with retarder
Suspension | Weights | Tyres:
1st Axle: Steel | 8.500 kg | 385/65R22.5 80% - 40%
2nd Axle: Steel | 8.500 kg | 385/65R22.5 85%
3rd Axle: Steel | 10.500 kg | 315/80R22.5 75%
4th Axle: Steel | 10.500 kg | 315/80R22.5 85%
General specifications:
PTO on engine
Hydraulic system
Hydraulic connection for trailer
Engine brake
Hub reduction
Differential locks
LED working lights
LED rear lights
Flashing lights
60 mm trailer connection
Aluminum diesel tank
Ad blue
Cabin specifications:
High line
Radio with navigation
Camera system
Leather seats
Leather steering wheel
Cabin heater
1 bed
Construction specification:
Rear tipper with hydraulic rear board
Brand: Istrail
Year: 2020
Body heating
Measurements: 560x242x110
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